RTA, Dubai

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) of the Government of Dubai enhances the public transport facilities and improves roads across the emirate to make travel safer and smoother for the people of Dubai.

In the inaugural Middle East Stevie awards, the Roads and Transport Authority won Gold and Bronze 2020 Stevie Awards for their Innovations in Government Services including their Smart Yard test service and their digital transformation for drivers’ licenses.

The first of its kind globally, RTA’s Smart Yard test service automates yard tests and eliminates human judgment using an array of sophisticated smart technologies to capture and analyze data and automatically determine the test results. The solution has resulted in reduced operational costs, grievances and complaints, and an increase in transparency, operational efficiency, and safety.

RTA also re-engineered drivers’ licensing services with the aim of simplifying and facilitating them for customers, providing all services via smart service channels without papers. The initiative reduced the process from 12 visits in 8 days to 0 visits in less than 8 minutes.

Innovation has played a key role in making RTA one of the most advanced Roads & Transport Authorities around the world. The Smart Yard test service and re-engineered drivers licensing services support the Roads and Transport Authority and Government of Dubai’s goal of achieving the digital transformation of more services via electronic channels.

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